St Petersburg metro – station Yugo-Zapadnaya
Yugo-Zapadnaya is a station of the new Krasnosel’sko-Kalininskaya line, which is currently under construction in Saint Petersburg. The project name of the station is Kazakovskaya. It was renamed in 2013 by the City Administration’s decree. Simultaneously, the station Putilovskaya is being constructed at the same line, it will be the interchange station with the existing Kirovsky Zavod station.
![Станция метро «Юго-Западная»](
The entrance hall of the station Kazakovskaya
The completion of the first section consisting of two deep stations is planned for 2022. The stations are long-awaited by local citizens. The south-western part of Saint Petersburg lacks metro transportation. The question is whether these stations indeed may significantly improve the transport situation in the area as promised by St Petersburg Metro or two stations are not enough.
As it is evident from the scheme, the future brown line has 6 stations: Yugo-Zapadnaya (Kazakovskaya), Putilovskaya, Bronevaya, Zastavskaya, Borovaya and Obvodny Kanal -2 (Karetnaya). Besides Putilovskaya, Zastavskaya and Obvodny Kanal -2 will be interchange stations, connecting all together 4 lines of St Petersburg’s metro system. The first phase of its construction considers only one interchange station with the red line and that line is extremely busy itself.
![Вестибюль Казаковской](
The entrance hall of the station Kazakovskaya
Start of construction work:2013
Period of construction: 2022
Customer: The Committee for the Transportation Development of St Petersburg
Principal designer: AO Metrogiprotrans
General contractor: OAO Metrostroy
Subcontractors: ZAO Tonnelny Otryad – 3, ZAO Semnadtsatoye Upravleniye Metrostroy
In 2014, the citizens were promised all 6 new stations to be completed by 2020. The farther plans included the extension of the line to the South until the station Baltijskaya Zemchuzhina and to the North until the station Piskarevka. The ten-year plan suggested the tunnels reaching areas of Strelna and Ruch’i. The preparation work for tunneling at the station Obvodny Kanal – 2 started in 2012. The construction sites were railed in along the route. The developed design of the Krasnosel’sko-Kalininskaya line had been submitted to the General Board of State Expert Review for approvement before the end of the year.
However, the concept of the development changed in 2013. It was decided that the extension of the Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya line for the World Cup 2018 was more important. The construction of the Krasnosel’sko-Kalininskaya line was postponed despite the citizens’ needs.
![ТПУ Балтийская жемчужина](
Interchange hub Baltijskaya Zhemchuzhina design, developed in 2014. Source:
The City Administration promised to secure the required budgeting estimated as 51 billion Rub; the budget plan for 2013 had 2.3 billion Rub allocated for the project. For two years the construction sites remained untouched until the Committee for the Transportation Development called for the first construction phase competition in 2015.
The second construction phase includes the section Putilovskaya – Obvodnay Kanal – 2. The intermediate stations Borovaya and Bronevaya will appear only during the third phase and will be put in operation later than 2022. It means the real help for the transport situation in the area will be not delivered soon.
![Путиловская проект ЛМГТ](
Putilovskaya station design
The second construction phase includes the section Putilovskaya – Obvodnay Kanal – 2. The intermediate stations Borovaya and Bronevaya will appear only during the third phase and will be put in operation later than 2022. It means the real help for the transport situation in the area will be not delivered soon.
The progress of work
The contract for two stations’ construction was awarded to Metrostroy. Two Metrostroy’s subdivisions, ZAO Tonnelny Otryad – 3 and ZAO Semnadtsatoye Upravleniye Metrostroy, work at the construction of Kazakovskaya and Putilovskaya accordingly.
The construction site of the shaft No 842, located at the crossing of the Marshala Zhukova prospect and Marshala Kazakova street, shaft-sinking work and station cutting are being performed by Tonnelny Otryad – 3 specialists. After the completion of the tunnel shaft, construction of the mantling pit and the assembling of the TBM КТ-2-5.6 М, the tunneling will start towards the station Putilovskaya.
![Строительная площадка метро Казаковская](
Kazakovskaya station construction site
Tonnelny Otryad -3 specialists are involved into construction of the station Prospekt Slavy as well, which is located at the Frunzensky radius of the metro system. After finishing their work at Frunzensky Radius, the metro workers will move to the Kazakovskaya construction site, increasing construction pace.
When will it be opened?
According to the officials’ statements, new metro stations at the Southwest of St Petersburg will be opened in 2022. Metrostroy agrees with the remark, that the contract will have been implemented before 2022 with the funding being allocated timely. They hope, the situation when the Governer signed the decree, but the funding was not performed, as it happened at the Frunzensky Radius’s construction, will not be repeated. So the opening of the new station in Kupchino district (where the Frunzensky Radius leads in) at the beginning of 2018 is questionable.
Considering the time the local citizens have been expecting the metro station, the construction is very important. Albeit the fact that only two stations will not solve the principal transport issues of the area, the passengers will have to use the carriages coming fully loaded at the stations of the red line. Experienced passengers used to riding backwards to the Kirovsky Zavod station to find the place in the carriage going to the center. With the passenger traffic being escalated, this trick will be useless.
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