Metro construction

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Станция метро «Юго-Западная»

St Petersburg metro – station Yugo-Zapadnaya

Yugo-Zapadnaya is a station of the new Krasnosel’sko-Kalininskaya line, which is currently under construction in Saint Petersburg…

St Petersburg

Teatralnaya – phantom metro station in Saint Petersburg

Teatralnaya is the metro station of the Saint Petersburg metro system, which is currently under construction. Its underground hall will be situated…

Metro station Gorny institute in Saint Petersburg

The Gorny institute station (with the design name being Bolshoi Prospekt after the Mining University situated near) is the new metro station of the Lakhtinsko-Pravoberezhnaya line under construction.

Novokrestovskaya station

2018 Soccer World Cup – Novokrestovskaya station

Novokrestovskaya station is an intermediate station on the Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya line of St. Petersburg’s subway between Primorskaya and Begovaya stations…

Метро Мичуринский проспект

The metro station Michurinsky prospect in Moscow

For the first time the metro station Michurinsky prospect appeared in the plan of the Moscow metro system development in 1965 with the first project of the Solntsevsky radius. The station initially was planned as an interchange station for the second ring line, which is now the Third Interchange Contour.
