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Vladimir Markov: nothing being done for underground construction and design in St. Petersburg

Underground Expert discusses underground space development in the second largest Russian city and its future with Vladimir Markov, deputy director of the local Design Institute ОАО NIPII Lenmetrogiprotrans…

Владимир Марков ЛМГТ

Would the metro be in St. Petersburg?

UndergroundExpert discusses the current situation with metro construction in St. Petersburg with OAO NIPII Lenmetrogiprotrans’ deputy director for metro design Vladimir Markov…

Ильин Ленметрогитпротранс

Fast metro construction’s obstructions

What does obstruct the development of the urban metro system and why the construction period of the new lines and stations get rescheduled constantly? This question is relevant for specialists and for citizens as well. The later still hold hope for the metro stations within walking distance of their homes…

Станция метро «Бульвар Формоза»

Modern concepts of architecture for St Petersburg

Interview with Vladimir K. Linov, honored architect of Russia, professor of the International Academy of Architecture (Moscow Branch), associate professor of the St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil engineering, school of architecture…

Russian Tunnels are designed in St Petersburg

Underground Expert interviewed deputy director for the tunnel’s design of the design institute Lenmetrogiprotrans Andrey Nikolaevich Soloviev about the future of the recent notorious projects and the present of the tunnel construction in Russia….

Строитеьство тоннеля БАМа

The Baikal tunnel — new opportunities for the Baikal-Amur mainline (BAM)

The construction of the road tunnels and rail tunnels is a matter of necessity in the countries like Italy and Switzerland. While in the vast lands of Russia, largely lowlands, the challenge is not so persistent…
