Terms and conditions

Terms of Use
OOO Underground expert

(hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”)

1. General Provisions

  • These Rules determine the procedure and conditions for the use of materials posted on the resource of Underground Expert.
  • The resources of Underground Expert are the following Internet site: undergroundexpert.info (hereinafter referred to as “Resource”)
  • Use of materials placed on the resource of Underground Expert is allowed in the manner provided for in Sections 2 and 3 of this Regulation.
  • The use of materials means reproduction, distribution, public display, broadcast, cable communication, communication to the public, translation, processing and other possible uses as provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • These Rules extend to informational agencies, network and periodicals, other mass media, subscribers to information products of Underground Expert, individuals and legal entities.

2. Use of materials

  • The use of informational text and information and graphic materials owned by Underground Expert (accompanied by the sign © and the words of the information portal Underground Expert) is possible free of charge (exclusively for non-commercial use) without written consent, in accordance with the procedure established in Section 3 of these Rules.
  • The use of analytical and copyright materials (accompanied by the © and the words of the information portal Underground Expert) is possible only after obtaining the written consent of  Underground Expert. With respect to these materials, any processing is prohibited, their use is possible only with 100% compliance with the content. It should be borne in mind that only commercial use is provided for a number of analytical and copyright materials.

3. Other uses of materials

  • If you need to use photo, video, audio and other materials placed on the Resource, the copyright holder of which is Underground Expert (accompanied by the © sign and the words “Underground Expert” information portal), it is necessary to conclude an agreement on the use of the above materials on a reimbursable basis. The cost of using each particular material (work) is further agreed by the parties. Depending on the circumstances, Underground Expert may authorize the free use of the above materials.
  • If it is necessary to use photos, video, audio and other materials placed on the Resource, which are owned by any other third parties, it is necessary to contact the rightholders of the above-mentioned materials directly.
  • On the use of materials owned by Underground Expert (accompanied by the © and the words “Underground Expert” information portal) on a reimbursable basis, for conclusion of the contract and payment it is necessary to apply to Underground Expert.

4. Duties when using (publishing) materials

  • Make links to the source of materials.
  • When used in a periodical printed publication, an obligatory condition is: the indication of the copyright protection symbol – ©, the name of the copyright holder and the author’s name, the source of receipt of materials – The resource on which the material is posted. Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!
  • When reproducing in the press digest, an obligatory condition is: the indication of the copyright protection symbol – ©, the name of the copyright holder and the author’s name, the source of receipt of materials – the resource on which the material is posted.
  • When playing on the Internet, a mandatory condition is: the indication of the copyright protection symbol – ©, the name of the copyright holder and the author’s name, the source of receipt of the materials – in the form of a hyperlink to the Resource of Underground Expert where the material is posted. This hyperlink should be located at the beginning of the article being reproduced. The user is also required to enclose the reproduced materials in the …. </ Noindex> tags.
  • Observe accuracy
  • When reproducing materials, the processing of their original text (including the introduction of changes that distort the content of materials) is not allowed.
  • When using materials in press digests, their processing (including making changes that distort the content of materials) is not allowed.
  • The responsibility for the distortion of the content of materials that arose due to their inaccurate reproduction lies on the physical or legal person directly using the materials.

ATTENTION! Use of materials produced in violation of the procedure and methods specified in these Rules is considered illegal use.

These Rules are not a contract:

OOO Underground Expert has the right to change these Rules at any time unilaterally without any special notification. The new edition of the Rules comes into force from the moment of its placement.
