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Ruslan Baisarov controls construction of the Large Circle Line

Unique Technologies Enable Ruslan Baysarov’s Company to Accelerate Large Circle line Construction

The Large Circle line of the Moscow metro is scheduled to be completed by 2022. Upon the line’s completion, 95 percent of the Russian capital’s residents will live within walking distance of at least one metro station. The Large Circle line is one of the most ambitious domestic metro construction projects in history…

Orlovsky tunnel in St. Petersburg: project never made

In early 2000, OAO NIPII Lenmetrogiprotrans and AO Metrogiprotrans developed the project of the Orlovsky tunnel under the wide and fast Neva River in the center of the second-largest city in Russia…

Бетонирование свай - строительство Лахта центра

Piles in the base of Lakhta Center in St Petersburg

The geological study indicated the weak stratified soils 15-20 meters below the construction site of the Lakhta Center – the business area with the 462 meters skyscraper in St Petersburg…

Александровский дворец

Design and arrangement works for the Alexander Palace

Alexander Palace is a part of the great architectural ensemble of Tsarskoe Selo in Saint Petersburg, which is under UNESCO protection and is part of Russian cultural heritage as well as the World’s heritage…


Saint Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier

Construction of the main elements of the Flood Protection Barrierstarted in 1981, but the project was fully implemented only in 2010…
