About portal


undergroundexpert.info is information resource of  expert community of underground space use specialists. Capturing lessons learned from city-panning and underground infrastructure projects worldwide, undergroundexpert.info creators suggest ways of efficient development of metropolitan areas.


  • promotion of relevant information regarding underground space development in Russia and Worldwide, providing thus conditions for increasing of volume of  underground structures’ design and building;
  • collecting relevant data for authorities and decision makers of all levels, to avoid possible negative effect of decisions taken in poor informational conditions;
  • simplification of exchange of information between specialists, scientific community, authorities and media, drawing attention to positive image of underground infrastructure development;
  • networking within professional society for effective solutions for underground projects’ multiple tasks like legislation, investment, recruitment policy and payout period issues;


undergroundexpert.info is a centralized source of information on the development of the underground space. One can find here papers, publications, research works regarding planning and design, construction, operating and safety of underground facilities. Different aspects of complex underground space use like legislative, administrative and economic are described in these documents. Also some interesting facts about history of underground construction and significant projects and achievements are presented in respective sections.


The initiative behind the creation of the global Internet portal belongs to Association of Underground Builders and Designers

Professional association “Association of underground builders” and “Association of underground builders – Design”  are the only self-regulatory organization specializing in underground space use challenges.  This associations affiliate organizations involved into metro construction, tunneling, trenchless technologies, construction of underground facilities.

According to the Partnership policy it is necessary to consider foreign colleagues experience and to invite lead specialists for further issues solving: complex use of underground space long-term urban planning development; improvement of the laws for fund-raising  in underground construction sector; development and harmonization of engineering regulations; modern human resourcing, additional training, specialists advanced training and certification, work placement and  training in foreign countries; implementation of advanced technologies, equipment and materials, leading in the field countries best practices use; workshops and seminars, participation in underground construction local and international exhibitions and events, promoting underground construction in media and at special and construction-related events.

With intention to implement those assigned task AUB joined international organizations involved in underground space use:   Committee on Underground Space ITA (ITACUS), Associated research Centers for Urban Underground Space (ACUUS). Cooperation Agreement with Finnish Society for Trenchless Technology is signed and cooperation agreement with Finnish Tunnelling Association is prepared and agreed.

Association of Underground Builders and Designers acts in close cooperation with specific higher learning institutions, leading research and design institutions of Russia, major construction, design and public organizations in the field of underground construction. Association is ready to act as a liaison between Russian and foreign specialists and authorities for further underground space use development. Aiming to do so, this portal was launched to facilitate sustainable planning and development of underground space in Russian and in the world.

Supporting organizations

The following organizations supported the idea of portal’s creation:

  • International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA)
  • The ITA Committee on Underground Space (ITACUS)
  • The Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground Space  (ACUUS)
  • The Committee for Development of Underground Space of the National Association of Builders of Russia
  • International Society for Trenchless Technologies (ISTT)
  • Russian Society for Trenchless Technologies (RSTT)
  • Finnish Society for Trenchless Technologies (FiSTT)
  • Finnish Tunnelling Association
  • Iberian Society for Trenchless Technologies (IbSTT)


The Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground Space

The Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground Space is an international non-governmental association actively promoting partnerships among all actors in the field of planning management, research and usage of urban underground space. The membership in the ACUUS is open to international, national and local institutions, governmental agencies, private and public agencies and organizations. [show more]

The ITA Committee on Underground Space

“The ITA Committee on Underground Space (ITACUS) has been setup to address the issue of Underground Space Use worldwide and to raise awareness with regards to both the actual use and the need to develop a vision on the use which allows for planning the use of underground space.”

Registered in Lausanne, Switzerland. With participation  opened  to all professionals and experts representing organizations or institutions involved into underground construction, ITACUS offers members  benefits like becoming part of a global network of experts who are prepared to share their knowledge and experience. [show more]

Finnish Tunnelling Association

“Underground construction builds a better tomorrow for us all”

The Finnish Tunnelling Association (MTR-FTA) has worked in underground construction since 1974. It brings together top experts who are committed to promoting the research, planning and construction as well as the diverse and versatile use of underground spaces.
The fundamental purpose of FTA is to promote general qualifications as to tunnelling investigation, design, engineering and applications.  FTA organizes meetings, seminars and lectures.

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